Why Should 21st Century School Furniture be Assessed?

A room with two black couches and tables in it

By David Jones, VP Sales. Industry experts heavily emphasize the need to assess furniture functionality for a specific environment prior to undergoing the ritualistic procurement process. An alignment of the furniture functionality and capabilities with the proposed environment will typically result in a positive outcome. For example, assessing the range of furniture functionality and marrying…

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What to Consider When Installing School Furniture

A plan of an office building with many different colored objects.

By Daniel Clarke, SR. Project Manager-Learning Environment Specialist (SR. PM-LES) The installation of school furniture can easily become an arduous task for busy School Professionals. While there is little doubt that small scale installations can be successfully coordinated and implemented by most institutions, larger- high volume installations may require a team of personnel to coordinate…

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PlanSpec 2.0- A Turn-key Solution for the 21st Century

A classroom with many tables and chairs

By Matthew Clarke, SR. Project Manager-Learning Environment Specialist (SR. PM-LES) There is a lot to think about when designing and filling a new institution with new furniture that meets desired pedagogical outcomes in a timely manner. Imagine having to determine if what you have been buying will meet the needs of the future generations. Everything…

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